We have been hard at work on the new Bio-Craft line, which we just launched at GAMA Tradeshow in Reno this past week. Met some great Game Store Retailers, Publishers and Distributors who all had excellent feedback on the line. I wanted to give a special thanks to my great friend Clint Burgin and his wife Doreen for their help at the show. I could not have done it without you you two! Thanks so much and I am looking forward to helping you guys next year!
Below are some images from the show and the Bio-Craft line. We will be launching the Kickstarter on Bio-Craft sometime in June.
Here is out booth at GAMA
From left to right; Clint Burgin, Doreen Burgin and Jason Hite
Jason Hite working the booth
The Peppermill Resort lobby at GAMA. Huge screens EVERYWHERE!
Played a great demo of Esper Genesis RPG with creator Rich Lescouflair as the DM! Super FUN!
Playing another fun RPG demo, The Withcher with new friends. This is set to launch at Gen-Con 2018 by R. Talsorian Games
Playing the new Pathfinder 2nd Edition on the first night!